Questions and Answers
...about past life regressions
The quest of human beings for their origins will inevitably lead them to the past...
Do you REALLY know yourself?
A vast treasure of life’s experiences is contained in the human subconscious.
What governs your thinking?
Abilities, talents, experience and knowledge are stored in the subconscious, but there are also blocks and hindrances which point to unpleasant experiences in the past.
What is the origin of your goals and desires?
Goals and desires are karmic driving forces substantially influencing the way we lead our current life. Unfinished tasks from other lifetimes will express themselves in new goals to be realized in your current life.
What are the implications of birth and death?
Birth and death are key incidents. Every beginning reflects those issues which need to be resolved. Every ending indicates the status of completion of these issues. The processes of birth as well as death portray the psychological profile of the personality.
What is your life’s purpose?
Life’s purpose plays the central role in the way we conduct our lives – it is the reason why we incarnate. This individual purpose is being found early on in the process of past life therapy and will help you to set your priorities in life and to master your destiny.