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Past Life regression | Lectures | Seminars | Training |Coaching

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Questions and Answers

...about past life regressions

The quest of human beings for their origins will inevitably lead them to the past...

Do you REALLY know yourself?

Do you REALLY know yourself?

A vast treasure of life’s experiences is contained in the human subconscious.

What governs your thinking?

Abilities, talents, experience and knowledge are stored in the subconscious, but there are also blocks and hindrances which point to unpleasant experiences in the past.

What is the origin of your goals and desires?

Goals and desires are karmic driving forces substantially influencing the way we lead our current life. Unfinished tasks from other lifetimes will express themselves in new goals to be realized in your current life.

What are the implications of birth and death?

Birth and death are key incidents. Every beginning reflects those issues which need to be resolved. Every ending indicates the status of completion of these issues. The processes of birth as well as death portray the psychological profile of the personality.

What is your life’s purpose?

Life’s purpose plays the central role in the way we conduct our lives – it is the reason why we incarnate. This individual purpose is being found early on in the process of past life therapy and will help you to set your priorities in life and to master your destiny.

Looking for answers?

Then contact us!

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Structure of the
past life therapy

Past life therapy according to Ingrid Vallières


How does past life regression work?

  • by jointly reviewing your personal biography and your specific issues we compile your Life’s Analysis.
  • Based on your Life’s Analysis the optimum therapeutic plan will be designed.
  • In this closed session you will define your personal life’s purpose and you will contact several former lives. All of your questions as well as the therapy regime will be openly discussed.
  • As soon as you take the decision to embark, let the adventure begin-The journey to your own true self!


Ingrid Vallières is a certified translator, psychologist, book author, she conducts lectures and seminars. She is an instructor of psychological consultation and regression therapy.

About Ingrid Vallières


  • Born in 1953 in Stuttgart / Germany
  • Professional certification as translator in English / French / Italian work experience until 1972
  • One year stay in Japan until 1973, personal regressions and professional therapy training in the USA 1974 – 1978
  • Self-employed businesses as translator as well as psychological practice in Stuttgart starting 1979
  • Continuous Management Training and Psychological Qualification
  • Certified as natural health professional 1983
  • Since 1979 actively working as lecturer and seminar leader on psychology and reincarnation in Germany, Austria, Switzerland at conventions, different professional associations and organisations.
  • Since 1983 lecturing and conducting seminars about holistic management in Europe, Canada and the USA, Russia, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates.
  • Since 1987 providing professional training to therapists
    1993 founded a therapists network
  • 1999 awarded Honorary Professorship by the Russian Academy of Science in Sochi
  • 2000 till this day - I.V. continues to lead/give seminars and workshops and training seminars in psychology and regression therapy and to supervise / mentor / guides clients with psychological consultation and regression therapy.
  • In the management section I.V. conducts in-house corporate seminars, incentive trainigs and coaching, career analysis and potential assessment.


CMI 2018/2019 Jubiläums-Programm

40 Jahre CMI 1979 wurde CMI von Ingrid Vallieres gegründet – mit den Geschäftsbereichen Reinkarnationsforschung, Rückführungstherapie und Seminare. Später kamen eine Heilpraxis, Ausbildungen, Management-Seminare und Coaching hinzu.

Mehr Infos

Seminar "Kreativität und Intuition" in Bad Dürrheim

29./30. November 2019 in Bad Dürrheim. Kreativität und Intuition sind die Schätze, die jeder Mensch besitzt und meist zuwenig nutzt! Dieses vielseitige Seminar dient der Bewusstmachung und Erschließung Ihrer innewohnenden kreativen Potentiale. Jeder Mensch hat ein großes Reservoir an latenten, unerschlossenen Fähigkeiten! Manchmal resignieren wir, weil die kreative Lösung fehlt! Der innere Kompass des Menschen ist seine Intuition – un...

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Zweitages-Seminar „Geburt, Tod und Reinkarnation" in Stuttgart-Mitte

7./8. Februar 2020 in Stuttgart-Mitte, mit Heilpraktikerin Ingrid Vallières In diesem Seminar werden anschaulich die Zusammenhänge zwischen Geburtsverlauf und Tod, die Auswirkungen früherer Leben auf das körperliche Befinden sowie die psychischen Verhaltensmuster aufgezeigt.

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Aufbau-Seminar „Beruf, Partnerschaft, Krankheit aus karmischer Sicht" in Stuttgart-Mitte

8.–10. Februar 2020 in Stuttgart-Mitte, mit Heilpraktikerin Ingrid Vallières In diesem Seminar werden die drei wesentlichen Themen im Leben des Menschen aus psychologischer und karmischer Sicht analysiert. Wie frühere Leben unseren Beruf, unsere Gesundheit sowie unsere Beziehungen im Leben beeinflussen, wird anhand von vielen Beispielen erörtert. Problem-Ursachen im Heute sowie im früheren Leben werden aufgezeigt und Lösungen gefunden.&nbs...

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Since 1979, Ingrid Vallières is treating her clientele by individual consultations and coaching. Helps people to access and develop their own potential

Ingrid Vallières has had national and international successes with companies and public media. Her knowledge and experience have been portrayed and published in different books, articles and DVD’s.

Logo 40 Jahre CMI

Videos and TV interviews


Mirrors within Mirrors Hardcover neu


Neuerscheinung "Mirrors Within Mirrors"
Unforgettable Adventures into Past Lives
Autoren: Miriam Goodspeed und Ingrid Vallières,
erhältlich als e-book, hardcover und paperback in englischer Sprache,
Verlag: tredition. ISBN: 978-3-7323-5909-7,
Preis: 19,90 Euro (hardcover inkl. 7% MwSt.)

Weitere Bücher:
Erschienen im Verlag: Editorial Hannemann,
"Probleme - Nein danke!"
Stuttgart ISBN 978-3-89594-976-0 im

Erschienen im Naglschmid-Verlag:
„Praxis der Reinkarnationstherapie“,
ISBN 3-89594-978-7
„Astrologie und Reinkarnation“,
ISBN 3-927913-57-X
montage veroeffentlichungen„Reinkarnation für Katzen“
ISBN 3-89594-994-9
ISBN 3-89594-975-2


Bei amazon.de können Sie auch online unter diesem Link bestellen


„Reinkarnation - Kreislauf des Lebens“
Symposium "Zeitenwende - Future Design"

Further publications

Interviews and publications with various professional journals, radio and TV interviews on a national and international basis.



CMI Heilpraxis Ingrid Vallières
Postfach 13 12 26
70069 Stuttgart
Tel. +49 (0) 0163 – 8740 950

Postsendungen bitte an:
CMI Creative Management Int.,
Postfach 13 12 26, 70069 Stuttgart

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