The laws of Karma and Reincarnation
- Written by Ingrid Vallières
- Published in Terminarchiv
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Evening Lecture Monday 11th Janury 2016 7 p.m. till 8.30 p.m at Unity Church Palm Harbor, 1960 Tampa Road, 34683 P.H.
With Ingrid Vallieres, Germany’s Foremost Past Life Therapist
Life is all about evolution of the soul in a free will universe. The laws of cause and effect are a guideline how we can use our potentials to the utmost benefit.
We are the sum total of our past lives and therefore:
- relationships often started in earlier lives and we are continuing our journey together
- our greatest talents as well as our problems and physical challenges are often linked to unresolved issues from earlier lives and thus present an opportunity to improve ourselves and find solutions as to continue our path to enlightenment!
Ingrid Vallieres will talk about the practical and spiritual aspects of reincarnation in daily life. She will present her latest book “MIRRORS WITHIN MIRRORS” - Adventures into Past Lives written by Floridian writer and journalist Miriam Goodspeed. After the lecture the authors will be available for signing this new book.
A Love offering to the Unity Church will be appreciated.
Ingrid Vallieres studied Eastern philosophy at a very early age and spent considerable time in India and Japan learning spiritual practices and meditation. She received thorough training in regression therapy, and founded her own practice in Germany in 1979. She has administered over 30,000 hours of therapy to her clients around the globe, and has been training past life therapists for 25 years.
Regarded as the premiere authority on Past Life Therapy in Germany, Ms. Vallieres has appeared on numerous national and local TV and radio programs in the United States, Germany, France and Canada. She is the author of 6 books including her most popular, “Reincarnation Therapy”, which is available in German, English and French.